Octal to Decimal Converter Online Tool

Octal Number8

Decimal Number10

Hex Number16

Binary Number2

About Octal to Decimal Converter Online Tool:

This online hex to decimal converter tool helps you to convert one input hex number (base 16) into a decimal number (base 10).

Octal Numeral System:

Octal numeral system (Oct) has 8 digits, include (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). One Octal digit can be represented by 3 digits binary digits.

Decimal Numeral System:

Decimal numeral system (also called Hindu-Arabic, or Arabic) has 10 digits, include (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), it's the most used number system in our daily life. Decimal numeral system is also one of the most ancient number system, it's inspired by 10 fingers of human.

comic octal to decimal

How to convert from Octal to decimal?

For octal number represents as below (with n digits):


For each digit in octal numeral system (base 8), equals to each digit multiply by its position power to 8 in decimal numeral system.

Decimal Output = dn-1 × 8n-1 + ... + d1 × 81 + d0 × 80

Example 1: Convert octal number "2023" to decimal number:

Decimal Output = 2 × 83 + 0 × 82 + 2 × 81 + 3 × 80 = 1043

Example 2: Convert octal number "3.14" to decimal number:

Decimal Output = 3 × 80 + 1 × 8-1 + 4 × 8-2 = 3.3125

Octal to Decimal conversion table:

Octal Decimal Octal Decimal
1 1 30 24
2 2 40 32
3 3 50 40
4 4 60 48
5 5 70 56
6 6 100 64
7 7 110 72
10 8 120 80
11 9 130 88
12 10 140 96
13 11 150 104
14 12 160 112
15 13 170 120
16 14 200 128
17 15 300 192
20 16 200 512
21 17 300 768
22 18 400 256
23 19 500 320
24 20 600 384

More information:

Wikipedia (Octal): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Octal

Wikipedia (Decimal): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal

Convert Octal to Decimal with Python:

def octal_to_decimal(octal_str):
    decimal_number = int(octal_str, 8)
    return decimal_number

octal_input = '747'
decimal_output = octal_to_decimal(octal_input)
print('decimal result is:{0}'.format(decimal_output))

decimal result is:487

Convert Octal to Decimal with Java:

public class NumberConvertManager {
    public static int octal_to_decimal(String octal_str) {
        return Integer.parseInt(octal_str, 8);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String octal_input = "747";
        int decimal_output = octal_to_decimal(octal_input);
        System.out.println("decimal result is:" + decimal_output);

decimal result is:487