JSON to XML Converter Online Tool

About JSON to XML Converter Online Tool:

This online json to xml converter tool helps you to convert raw json format string to xml format string.

comic json to xml

Comparison of JSON and XML

  1. 1. Readability. JSON and XML are comparable in readability. JSON has simple syntax, and XML has a standardized tag form. It is difficult to distinguish between winning and losing.

  2. 2. Extensibility. XML is very extensible. However, you cannot find one example that XML can represent but JSON cannot. On the other hand, JSON is very compatible with Javascript and can be stored as Javascript composite objects, which has the advantage that xml is incomparable.

  3. 3. Coding Difficulty. XML has a wild range of supported coding tools, such as Dom4j, JDom, etc., JSON also has support tools such as python build-in package JOSN. I believe skilled developers can write the desired xml document and JSON string equally quick, but the xml document requires a bit more structural characters.

  4. 4. Parsing Difficulty. In webpages support Javascript, JSON is in the home game and its advantage is far superior to xml. However, if programmer doesn't know its data structure in advance, many programmers will be crying to parsing JSON, XML can be parsed through the document model parsing, for example xmlData.getElementsByTagName("tagName").

Does JSON to XML Converter Online Tool log my data?

Absolutely NOT, this JSON to XML Converter doing all the formatting work on the client side, all logic are implemented by Javascript. There are 2 major advantages: 1.Your data never transmitted in the Open Internet, so you know it's secure; 2.It's much faster than doing all the work in the server side, because there is no Internet Delay.

More information about JSON to XML Converter:

Github: https://github.com/martinblech/xmltodict

xmltodict: http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/scenarios/xml/

JSON to XML Converter with Python (with package xmltodict):

import xmltodict

def convert_json_to_xml(input_str):
    dict = json.loads(input_str)
    return str(xmltodict.unparse({'root': dict}, pretty=True))